Public Figure Profiles

Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb

Wilhelm Josef Franz Ritter von Leeb (5 September 1876 – 29 April 1956) was a German field marshal in World War II. Leeb was a highly decorated officer in World War I and was awarded the Military Order of Max Joseph which granted him the title of nobility. In the Invasion of France, he commanded Army Group C, responsible for the breakthrough of the Maginot Line.

During Operation Barbarossa—the invasion of the Soviet Union—Leeb commanded Army Group North, which advanced through the Baltic States towards Leningrad (present day St. Petersburg), eventually laying siege to the city. Units under Leeb’s command committed war crimes against the civilian population and closely cooperated with the SS Einsatzgruppen, death squads primarily tasked with the murder of the Jewish population as part of the Holocaust.

Leeb was a beneficiary of Adolf Hitler's bribery scheme for senior Wehrmacht officers, receiving secret, extra-legal gifts of 250,000 Reichsmark in 1941 and of an estate valued at 638,000 Reichsmark in 1943. Following the war, Leeb was tried in the High Command Trial as part of the Subsequent Nuremberg Trials. He was convicted of transmitting the Barbarossa Decree and its criminal application by subordinate units and sentenced to three years' imprisonment time served.

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Some of their strengths

Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb has many admirable traits.

Based on spiritual traditions from around the world, they are someone who can be described as Intelligent, Curious, Practical, Exacting, Confident, Smart, and Sophisticated.

Smart and Sophisticated

According to Mysticism’s Astrology tradition, Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb is someone who is a smart, sophisticated, and organized person who displays kindness and grace in every day interactions, and who also has a passionate soul. A person who is a bit of a "lone wolf".

Adventurous and Free

Based on Daoism’s Ba-Zi or ‘Chinese Zodiac’ tradition, people who know Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb well know them as someone who can be talented, wayward and free, like a big river or the ocean.

Methodical and Exacting

According to Hinduism’s Jyotisha or ‘Vedic Astrology’ tradition, many would also describe Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb as someone who is careful, methodical, and a perfectionist.

A person who forms successful business partnerships, who appreciates the variety the world has to offer, who takes a frugal approach to life and tends to be a workaholic, and who engages in things that let them express their opinion.

Exacting and Achievement-oriented

Based on the Mayan Tzolk’in or ‘Mayan Astrology’ tradition, Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb is someone who has very high expectations for people, and who can be extremely focused on achieving goals and objectives.

They are also someone who is confident and creative, and who has a love for starting new projects, inventing new things, and giving back to the community.

Altruistic and Purposeful

According to Judaism’s Kabbalah tradition, Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb tends to be someone who has a desire to be of service to a higher calling and who is always trying to perfect things. Who can be practical and polished, reserved and methodical, and who tends to trust internal judgment before trusting anyone else at face value.

Some of Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb's challenges

While Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb has many strengths, nobody is perfect. They also have some challenging traits they need to manage.

For example, Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb can be Perfectionist, Difficult, Indecisive, Unrealistic, Hesitant, Narcissistic, and Sensitive.

Difficult and Perfectionist

One of Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb's key challenges is that they are someone who can be difficult and too much of a perfectionist.

Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb must also exercise caution as they can be short-tempered and aggressive, and can have difficulty dealing with responsibility, authority, or criticism.

Sensitive and Critical

Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb is someone who can be insecure, critical, and pessimistic, who can have difficulty relaxing, can be possessive and jealous, and who can have difficulty listening to others' opinions and perspectives and make hasty decisions.

Critical and Bossy

Finally, Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb also can be too focused on the small details of life, try to control whatever is happening, and be finicky and demanding.

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