Public Figure Profiles

René Tavernier

René Tavernier (21 May 1915 – 16 December 1989) was a French poet and philosopher.

Tavernier published his first poems before World War II in the New French Review, and was immediately noticed by Jean Wahl. In turn, this brought him recognition by Emmanuel Levinas and Jean-Paul Sartre. A friend of Vladimir Jankélévitch, he was held at Drancy internment camp. After escaping, he fled to the United States.

Joining writers and journalists during the war led him to Lyon in the neighborhood where he directed Montchat Confluences - A journal on "Literature and Arts" - founded by Jacques Aubenque between July 1941 and 1943. It is in this review, which included as the "original purpose" to "bring together writers and ideas from diverse backgrounds in the service of humanism" that he published the poems of Pierre Emmanuel, Max Jacob, Henri Michaux, Paul Éluard and Louis Aragon, one of whose poems was also the cause of the suspension of the magazine for a few months. Firmly committed to the Resistance, René Tavernier organized clandestine meetings at his home until the end of 1943 with Elsa Triolet and Louis Aragon.

His son was the film director Bertrand Tavernier.

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Some of their strengths

René Tavernier has many admirable traits.

Based on spiritual traditions from around the world, they are someone who can be described as Bold, Energetic, Intelligent, Generous, Artistic, Extroverted, and Passionate.

Strong and Diligent

According to Mysticism’s Astrology tradition, René Tavernier is someone who is a strong, diligent, and trustworthy person who approaches life with honesty and perseverance, but who is also physical, sensual, and artistic. A person who is known for being diligent and strong.

Adventurous and Free

Based on Daoism’s Ba-Zi or ‘Chinese Zodiac’ tradition, people who know René Tavernier well know them as someone who can be talented, wayward and free, like a big river or the ocean.

Ambitious and Forceful

According to Hinduism’s Jyotisha or ‘Vedic Astrology’ tradition, many would also describe René Tavernier as someone who is ambitious, hard-working, determined, and intelligent.

A person who has a knack for identifying opportunities, has amazing concentration and focus, who can work independently, who likes starting new things, and who is somewhat of an intellectual.

Wise and Deep

Based on the Mayan Tzolk’in or ‘Mayan Astrology’ tradition, René Tavernier is someone who tends to have an internal innate wisdom, and who people tend to see as an "old soul".

They are also someone who is balanced, stable, and energetic, who likes the idea of home and family, and who is very comfortable being the person in charge.

Patient and Compassionate

According to Judaism’s Kabbalah tradition, René Tavernier tends to be someone who approaches life with grace and compassion, and who has a powerful and commanding personality. Who can be analytical, patient, and deliberate, avoiding risks and seeking out stability instead.

Some of René Tavernier's challenges

While René Tavernier has many strengths, nobody is perfect. They also have some challenging traits they need to manage.

For example, René Tavernier can be Stubborn, Idle, Arrogant, Status-seeking, Impulsive, Careless, and Relentless.

Stubborn and Idle

One of René Tavernier's key challenges is that they are someone who can be seen as stubborn and, at times, lazy.

René Tavernier must also exercise caution as they can have a hard time reconciling wants and needs.

Relentless and Inflexible

René Tavernier is someone who can be relentless, obsessive, and inflexible, who can be confrontational with work colleagues, can have difficulty communicating feelings and be somewhat reclusive, and who can be self-destructive, overindulgent, and extravagant.

Materialistic and Aggressive

Finally, René Tavernier also can be materialistic, emotional, aggressive, stubborn, inconsistent, and be prone to big temper outbursts.

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