Public Figure Profiles

Marquis de Sade

Donatien Alphonse François, Marquis de Sade (2 June 1740 – 2 December 1814), was a French nobleman, revolutionary politician, philosopher and writer famous for his literary depictions of a largely imagined libertine sexuality. His works include novels, short stories, plays, dialogues, and political tracts. In his lifetime some of these were published under his own name while others, which Sade denied having written, appeared anonymously.

Sade is best known for his erotic works, which combined philosophical discourse with pornography, depicting sexual fantasies with an emphasis on violence, suffering, anal sex (which he calls sodomy), crime, and blasphemy against Christianity. He was a proponent of absolute freedom, unrestrained by morality, religion, or law. The words sadism and sadist are derived in reference to the works of fiction he wrote which portrayed numerous acts of sexual cruelty. While Sade mentally explored a wide range of sexual deviations, his known behavior includes "only the beating of a housemaid and an orgy with several prostitutes—behavior significantly departing from the clinical definition of sadism". Sade was a proponent of free public brothels paid for by the state: In order both to prevent crimes in society that are motivated by lust and to reduce the desire to oppress others using one’s own power, Sade recommended public brothels where people can satisfy their wishes to command and be obeyed.Despite having no legal charge brought against him, Sade was incarcerated in various prisons and an insane asylum for about 32 years of his life (or, after 1777, solely due to lettre de cachet and involuntary commitment): seven years in the Château de Vincennes, five years in the Bastille, a month in the Conciergerie, two years in a fortress, a year in Madelonnettes Convent, three years in Bicêtre Asylum, a year in Sainte-Pélagie Prison, and 12 years in the Charenton Asylum. During the French Revolution, he was an elected delegate to the National Convention. Many of his works were written in prison.

There continues to be a fascination with Sade among scholars and in popular culture. Prolific French intellectuals such as Roland Barthes, Jacques Derrida, and Michel Foucault published studies of him. On the other hand, the French hedonist philosopher Michel Onfray has attacked this interest in Sade, writing that "It is intellectually bizarre to make Sade a hero." There have also been numerous film adaptations of his work, the most notable being Pasolini's Salò, an adaptation of Sade's controversial book The 120 Days of Sodom, as well as many of the films of Spanish director Jesús Franco.

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Some of their strengths

Marquis de Sade has many admirable traits.

Based on spiritual traditions from around the world, they are someone who can be described as Charming, Intelligent, Sophisticated, Organized, Kind, Curious, and Intense.

Charming and Quick-witted

According to Mysticism’s Astrology tradition, Marquis de Sade is someone who is a charming, quick-witted, and energetic person who combines passion and intelligence with an ability to feel what others are feeling and to effectively communicate with them. A person who really cares about helping others make the most of what they have.

Active and Precise

Based on Daoism’s Ba-Zi or ‘Chinese Zodiac’ tradition, people who know Marquis de Sade well know them as someone who can be tough, active, and sharp, like a sword.

Courteous and Easygoing

According to Hinduism’s Jyotisha or ‘Vedic Astrology’ tradition, many would also describe Marquis de Sade as someone who is polite, modest, and diplomatic.

A person who tends to be socially popular, who loves intellectual or creative activities, who has a talent for communicating with and understanding the needs of others, and who seems to have a knack for getting recognized for their efforts.

Altruistic and Ambitious

Based on the Mayan Tzolk’in or ‘Mayan Astrology’ tradition, Marquis de Sade is someone who is the type of person who rallies behind a group, cause, or community, and who enjoys being dedicated to a higher cause of some sort.

They are also someone who is creative, expressive, and insightful, and who has a pioneering spirit with self-determination and natural artistic expression.

Logical and Reasonable

According to Judaism’s Kabbalah tradition, Marquis de Sade tends to be someone who is understanding, logical, and reasonable. Who can be intellectual and intuitive, speak the truth at any cost, be witty and sociable, and live life to its fullest.

Some of Marquis de Sade's challenges

While Marquis de Sade has many strengths, nobody is perfect. They also have some challenging traits they need to manage.

For example, Marquis de Sade can be Hypocritical, Selfish, Self-centered, Difficult, Perfectionist, Complicated, and Brusque.

Hypocritical and Self-centered

One of Marquis de Sade's key challenges is that they are someone who can be perceived as hypocritical and self-centered.

Marquis de Sade must also exercise caution as they can have a hard time reconciling wants and needs.

Indecisive and Materialistic

Marquis de Sade is someone who can be indecisive, indulgent, and materialistic, who can have difficulty focusing on a single career or profession, have difficulty following orders or respecting authority, and who can suffer from "analysis paralysis".

Indecisive and Distracted

Finally, Marquis de Sade also can have a hard time staying focused and can easily become restless.

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