Public Figure Profiles

Jules Violle

Jules Louis Gabriel Violle (16 November 1841 – 12 September 1923) was a French physicist and inventor.

He is notable for having determined the solar constant at Mont Blanc in 1875, and, in 1881, for proposing a standard for luminous intensity, called the Violle, equal to the light emitted by 1 cm² of platinum at its melting point. It was notable as the first unit of light intensity that did not depend on the properties of a particular lamp. This was much larger than traditional measures such as candlepower, so the standard SI unit candela was originally defined in 1946 as 1/60 Violle.

Throughout his life, Violle taught at several colleges including the University of Lyon and the Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers in Paris. He was one of the founders of the Institut d'optique théorique et appliquée and the École supérieure d'optique. He improved and invented a number of devices for measuring radiation, and determined the freezing and melting points of palladium.

Violle is believed by some to be the secret identity of Fulcanelli, a contemporary French alchemist whose true identity is still debated. His biography can be found in this book: "A l'ombre des chênes, l'alchimiste de la République". [1]

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Some of their strengths

Jules Violle has many admirable traits.

Based on spiritual traditions from around the world, they are someone who can be described as Energetic, Intuitive, Independent, Generous, Smart, Organized, and Curious.

Intense and Passionate

According to Mysticism’s Astrology tradition, Jules Violle is someone who is an intense, passionate, and intuitive person who is fiercely independent, authentic and direct when engaging with others. A person who is known for being a good communicator.

Strong and Resilient

Based on Daoism’s Ba-Zi or ‘Chinese Zodiac’ tradition, people who know Jules Violle well know them as someone who can be strong, expansive, and stable like a big tree.

Independent and Organized

According to Hinduism’s Jyotisha or ‘Vedic Astrology’ tradition, many would also describe Jules Violle as someone who is independent, organized, inventive, and generous.

A person who is curious and a loves learning, who seems to always know what to say, who has an optimism that can overcome any difficult situation, and who seems to be able to master almost any skill.

Easygoing and Energetic

Based on the Mayan Tzolk’in or ‘Mayan Astrology’ tradition, Jules Violle is someone who has an easygoing nature and a healthy sense of humor, with a mind that requires constant stimulation in order to feel fulfilled.

They are also someone who is active, giving, optimistic, and cheerful, and who possesses a charisma that attracts friends and admirers.

Mysterious and Methodical

According to Judaism’s Kabbalah tradition, Jules Violle tends to be someone who can come across as mysterious and intense, who can be a complex thinker who is methodical and intuitive, and who can overcome challenges that most others would not be able to.

Some of Jules Violle's challenges

While Jules Violle has many strengths, nobody is perfect. They also have some challenging traits they need to manage.

For example, Jules Violle can be Pleasure-seeking, Complicated, Brusque, Impulsive, Careless, Difficult, and Perfectionist.

Complicated and Brusque

One of Jules Violle's key challenges is that they are someone who can be complicated and gruff with others.

Domineering and Impatient

Jules Violle is someone who can be demanding, egotistical, and controlling, can have a lack of judgment regarding personal finances, be argumentative and stubborn, and who can have a tendency to be withdrawn and spend time in self-imposed isolation.

Sensitive and Aggressive

Finally, Jules Violle also can be too "touchy-feely", have a hard time expressing feelings, be too aggressive and headstrong, and be too unforgiving of others' mistakes.

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