Public Figure Profiles

José Luccioni

José Luccioni (14 October 1903 in Bastia – 5 October 1978 in Marseille) was a French operatic tenor of Corsican origin. He possessed one of the best dramatic voices of the 1930s and 1940s.

Initially a racing car driver and mechanic at the Citroën car company, his voice was discovered while he was serving in the military. He studied singing in Paris with the eminent former tenors Léon David and Léon Escalais and made his debut in Rouen as Cavaradossi in Tosca in 1931. During the 1932-33 season he debuted at both the Palais Garnier and the Opéra-Comique, where he won considerable acclaim as Don José in Carmen, a role he sang an estimated 500 times during his career.

He sang widely in Europe, spending much of 1935-37 in Italy, appearing in Florence, Turin and Verona but mostly at the Rome Opera. He also appeared at the Royal Opera House in London's Covent Garden, the Monte Carlo Opera, the Liceo in Barcelona and other European venues. He made his South American debut at the Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires in 1936, and sang in the United States at the Lyric Opera of Chicago during the 1937-38 season.

Luccioni had an impressively large voice that combined beauty with power, in the tradition of his great French predecessor at the Paris Opéra, Paul Franz (1876–1950). He was also a fine singing-actor. Notable roles of his included Roland, Samson, Vasco, Jean, Turiddu, Canio, Chenier, Radames and Otello. He also appeared in a few motion pictures, including Colomba (1947) and Le bout de la route (1948). After retirement, he served as Director of the Opéra de Nice.

His son, Jacques Luccioni, was also an opera singer, first as a tenor and later as a baritone.

Luccioni died in the South of France shortly before his 75th birthday. He left a sizeable legacy of recordings made during his vocal prime. A wide selection of these recordings are available on CD. They confirm Luccioni's reputation as being one of the finest ever French dramatic tenors.

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Some of their strengths

José Luccioni has many admirable traits.

Based on spiritual traditions from around the world, they are someone who can be described as Confident, Optimistic, Intelligent, Diplomatic, Loyal, Caring, and Bold.

Intelligent and Inquisitive

According to Mysticism’s Astrology tradition, José Luccioni is someone who is an intelligent, inquisitive, and imaginative person, who is practical, considerate, kind, and diplomatic in dealings with others. A person who is known for being a good communicator.

Adaptable and Versatile

Based on Daoism’s Ba-Zi or ‘Chinese Zodiac’ tradition, people who know José Luccioni well know them as someone who can be adaptable, flexible, and polite, like a flower or a sapling.

Independent and Organized

According to Hinduism’s Jyotisha or ‘Vedic Astrology’ tradition, many would also describe José Luccioni as someone who is independent, organized, inventive, and generous.

A person who is curious and a loves learning, who seems to always know what to say, who has an optimism that can overcome any difficult situation, and who seems to be able to master almost any skill.

Vigorous and Friendly

Based on the Mayan Tzolk’in or ‘Mayan Astrology’ tradition, José Luccioni is someone who has a vigor and energy that applies itself to all life's activities and endeavors, and a knack for forming family-like structures, groups, and communities.

They are also someone who is reflective, mysterious, and purposeful, who enjoys quiet and solo work, and who thrives in positions where there is no need to report to someone else.

Justice-seeking and Peaceful

According to Judaism’s Kabbalah tradition, José Luccioni tends to be someone who loves peace and is ready to go to any costs to achieve it. Who has a taste for the good things in life, tends to be a good organizer, has a thirst for knowledge, and who tends to have the respect of friends and acquaintances.

Some of José Luccioni's challenges

While José Luccioni has many strengths, nobody is perfect. They also have some challenging traits they need to manage.

For example, José Luccioni can be Stubborn, Hesitant, Narcissistic, Emotional, Standoffish, Arrogant, and Status-seeking.

Hesitant and Narcissistic

One of José Luccioni's key challenges is that they are someone who can be hesitant and narcissistic.

José Luccioni must also exercise caution as they can have a hard time reconciling wants and needs.

Domineering and Impatient

José Luccioni is someone who can be demanding, egotistical, and controlling, can have a lack of judgment regarding personal finances, be argumentative and stubborn, and who can have a tendency to be withdrawn and spend time in self-imposed isolation.

Pleasure-seeking and Indecisive

Finally, José Luccioni also can put others first too much, and hem-and-haw too much when making a decision.

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