Public Figure Profiles

John Jacob Astor

John Jacob Astor was a German-American businessman, merchant, real estate mogul, and investor who made his fortune mainly in a fur trade monopoly, by smuggling opium into China, and by investing in real estate in or around New York City. He was the first prominent member of the Astor family and the first multi-millionaire in the United States.

Born in Germany, Astor emigrated to England as a teenager and worked as a musical instrument manufacturer. He moved to the United States after the American Revolutionary War. Seeing the expansion of population to the west, he entered the fur trade and built a monopoly, managing a business empire that extended to the Great Lakes region and Canada, and later expanded into the American West and Pacific coast. Seeing a decline in demand due to changing European tastes, he got out of the fur trade in 1830, diversifying by investing in New York City real estate. Astor was highly wealthy and became a famed patron of the arts. In proportion to GDP, he was one of the richest people in modern history.

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Some of their strengths

John Jacob Astor has many admirable traits.

Based on spiritual traditions from around the world, they are someone who can be described as Imaginative, Creative, Compassionate, Loyal, Intense, Inquisitive, and Practical.

Intuitive and Imaginative

According to Mysticism’s Astrology tradition, John Jacob Astor is someone who is a highly intuitive, creative and imaginative person who is very loyal, caring and compassionate to others. A person who is ambitious and motivated.

Adaptable and Versatile

Based on Daoism’s Ba-Zi or ‘Chinese Zodiac’ tradition, people who know John Jacob Astor well know them as someone who can be adaptable, flexible, and polite, like a flower or a sapling.

Methodical and Exacting

According to Hinduism’s Jyotisha or ‘Vedic Astrology’ tradition, many would also describe John Jacob Astor as someone who is careful, methodical, and a perfectionist.

A person who forms successful business partnerships, who appreciates the variety the world has to offer, who takes a frugal approach to life and tends to be a workaholic, and who engages in things that let them express their opinion.

Inquisitive and Progressive

Based on the Mayan Tzolk’in or ‘Mayan Astrology’ tradition, John Jacob Astor is someone who is an eternal student who is always interested in learning new things, and who has a desire to shake things up and change things.

They are also someone who is curious, dynamic, and positive, and who enjoys inspiring and communicating with other people.

Traditional and Patient

According to Judaism’s Kabbalah tradition, John Jacob Astor tends to be someone who is a patient person that is very emotional, has a very sharp memory, has an ability to understand people, and who tends to be traditional and frugal.

Some of John Jacob Astor's challenges

While John Jacob Astor has many strengths, nobody is perfect. They also have some challenging traits they need to manage.

For example, John Jacob Astor can be Sensitive, Stubborn, Emotional, Standoffish, Hesitant, Narcissistic, and Critical.

Emotional and Standoffish

One of John Jacob Astor's key challenges is that they are someone who can be emotional and standoffish.

John Jacob Astor must also exercise caution as they can have a hard time reconciling wants and needs, and can be short-tempered and aggressive.

Sensitive and Critical

John Jacob Astor is someone who can be insecure, critical, and pessimistic, who can have difficulty relaxing, can be possessive and jealous, and who can have difficulty listening to others' opinions and perspectives and make hasty decisions.

Sensitive and Money-oriented

Finally, John Jacob Astor also can have mood swings, be overly sensititive, and be a bit rigid and materialistic.

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