Public Figure Profiles

Hans Werner Henze

Hans Werner Henze (1 July 1926 – 27 October 2012) was a German composer. His large oeuvre of works is extremely varied in style, having been influenced by serialism, atonality, Stravinsky, Italian music, Arabic music and jazz, as well as traditional schools of German composition. In particular, his stage works reflect "his consistent cultivation of music for the theatre throughout his life".Henze was also known for his political convictions. He left Germany for Italy in 1953 because of a perceived intolerance towards his leftist politics and homosexuality. Late in life he lived in the village of Marino in the central Italian region of Lazio, and in his final years still travelled extensively, in particular to Britain and Germany, as part of his work. An avowed Marxist and member of the Italian Communist Party, Henze produced compositions honoring Ho Chi Minh and Che Guevara. At the 1968 Hamburg premiere of his requiem for Che Guevara, titled Das Floß der Medusa (The Raft of Medusa), the placing of a red flag on the stage sparked a riot and the arrest of several people, including the librettist. Henze spent a year from 1969 to 1970 teaching in Cuba.

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Some of their strengths

Hans Werner Henze has many admirable traits.

Based on spiritual traditions from around the world, they are someone who can be described as Intuitive, Caring, Generous, Artistic, Compassionate, Independent, and Energetic.

Intuitive and Imaginative

According to Mysticism’s Astrology tradition, Hans Werner Henze is someone who is a highly intuitive, creative and imaginative person who is very loyal, caring and compassionate to others. A person who is known for being diligent and strong.

Charming and Sophisticated

Based on Daoism’s Ba-Zi or ‘Chinese Zodiac’ tradition, people who know Hans Werner Henze well know them as someone who can be classy, glamorous, and worldly, like jewelry.

Organized and Achievement-oriented

According to Hinduism’s Jyotisha or ‘Vedic Astrology’ tradition, many would also describe Hans Werner Henze as someone who is organized, goal-oriented, practical, and persevering.

Who is hardworking, intellectual, and easygoing, who loves higher education and learning and sharing ideas with others, and who loves healthy competition.

Perceptive and Visionary

Based on the Mayan Tzolk’in or ‘Mayan Astrology’ tradition, Hans Werner Henze is someone who has a natural awareness about what is going on in the surrounding environment and the world at large, and a refined vision of how to navigate it.

They are also someone who is patient, assertive, and who is a natural leader that likes to help others in need.

Traditional and Patient

According to Judaism’s Kabbalah tradition, Hans Werner Henze tends to be someone who is a patient person that is very emotional, has a very sharp memory, has an ability to understand people, and who tends to be traditional and frugal.

Some of Hans Werner Henze's challenges

While Hans Werner Henze has many strengths, nobody is perfect. They also have some challenging traits they need to manage.

For example, Hans Werner Henze can be Emotional, Rebellious, Unrealistic, Standoffish, Short-tempered, Impulsive, and Emotionally Distant.

Emotional and Standoffish

One of Hans Werner Henze's key challenges is that they are someone who can be emotional and standoffish.

Hans Werner Henze must also exercise caution as they can have a hard time reconciling wants and needs, and can be short-tempered and aggressive.

Callous and Selfish

Hans Werner Henze is someone who can be standoffish, pessimistic, and ruthless, who can have difficulty concentrating and be impatient, can have difficulty discovering the keys to personal contentment, and who can have a tendency to overwork and hoard wealth and possessions.

Sensitive and Money-oriented

Finally, Hans Werner Henze also can have mood swings, be overly sensititive, and be a bit rigid and materialistic.

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