Public Figure Profiles

Hans Leybold

Hans Leybold (2 April 1892 – 8 September 1914) was a German expressionist poet, whose small body of work was a major inspiration behind much of the Dada movement, in particular the works of his close friend Hugo Ball. Although Leybold died two years before the emergence of Dada, his absurdist writings and poems represent an important stage in the development of expressionist movement in Germany.

Born into a middle-class family in Frankfurt am Main, Leybold was raised in Hamburg where he completed his schooling in 1911 and joined the German Army. In his compulsory year of conscription he impressed his superior officers so much he was offered a commission and embarked on a military career. Taking a leave of absence to attend university, Leybold traveled to Munich to study German literature and whilst there he fell in with the crowd of German poets and authors who would head the Dada movement post-war. These figures included Richard Huelsenbeck, Emmy Hennings, Klabund, Johannes R. Becher, Franz Jung and most importantly of all his particular friend Hugo Ball. It was Ball who interested Leybold in the expressionist movement and soon the two of them were soon producing poetry together under the pseudonym Ha Hu Baley. In the company of these authors, Leybold experimented wildly with technique and imagery in his poetry, seeking both to develop his skills and in the process deconstruct poetry itself, heavily influenced by Alfred Kerr and Friedrich Nietzsche. In consequence of his literary experimentation, his studies went neglected and he began to edit and contribute to expressionist magazines, such as Die Aktion and his own work, the short lived magazine Revolution, in which he and his colleagues issued their literary manifesto.

"Protect yourself against responsibilities! Hit out: against old household rubbish! And if some valuable piece gets torn up in the process: what does it matter? You respected people! You well-polished ones! You bigwigs! We ought to stick our tongues out at you! Boys, you'll say. Old men! we'll reply"

In August 1914 the First World War erupted and Leybold was immediately called up as an active reservist. Less than a month later, Leybold was seriously wounded during operations near Namur and was evacuated to a casualty clearing hospital. He recovered rapidly from his wound but on 8 September, the night he returned to his regiment, he committed suicide by gunshot to the head. His death was never fully explained, although a rumour persisted that he had syphilis and had given up on survival following his wound. His works were collected together many years after his death, as he never had a book published independently, and he is now recognised as an important influence both on Dadism and German expressionism itself.

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Some of their strengths

Hans Leybold has many admirable traits.

Based on spiritual traditions from around the world, they are someone who can be described as Energetic, Intelligent, Generous, Charming, Communicative, Easygoing, and Protective.

Independent and Brave

According to Mysticism’s Astrology tradition, Hans Leybold is someone who is an independent, brave, and honest person who approaches life with energy, intuition, passion, and generosity. A person who is known for being diligent and strong.

Strong and Resilient

Based on Daoism’s Ba-Zi or ‘Chinese Zodiac’ tradition, people who know Hans Leybold well know them as someone who can be strong, expansive, and stable like a big tree.

Courteous and Easygoing

According to Hinduism’s Jyotisha or ‘Vedic Astrology’ tradition, many would also describe Hans Leybold as someone who is polite, modest, and diplomatic.

A person who tends to be socially popular, who loves intellectual or creative activities, who has a talent for communicating with and understanding the needs of others, and who seems to have a knack for getting recognized for their efforts.

Easygoing and Energetic

Based on the Mayan Tzolk’in or ‘Mayan Astrology’ tradition, Hans Leybold is someone who has an easygoing nature and a healthy sense of humor, with a mind that requires constant stimulation in order to feel fulfilled.

They are also someone who is balanced, organized, and in-charge, and who loves traveling, working hard, and figuring out the patterns of things.

Independent and Dynamic

According to Judaism’s Kabbalah tradition, Hans Leybold tends to be someone who is independent, dynamic, and courageous. Who can be positive, energetic, self-reliant, and adventurous, and who can make friends easily.

Some of Hans Leybold's challenges

While Hans Leybold has many strengths, nobody is perfect. They also have some challenging traits they need to manage.

For example, Hans Leybold can be Self-centered, Pleasure-seeking, Short-tempered, Impulsive, Hypocritical, Complicated, and Brusque.

Short-tempered and Impulsive

One of Hans Leybold's key challenges is that they are someone who can come across as short-tempered and impulsive.

Hans Leybold must also exercise caution as they can be short-tempered and aggressive.

Indecisive and Materialistic

Hans Leybold is someone who can be indecisive, indulgent, and materialistic, who can have difficulty focusing on a single career or profession, have difficulty following orders or respecting authority, and who can suffer from "analysis paralysis".

Aggressive and Domineering

Finally, Hans Leybold also can be aggressive, impatient, impulsive, and short-tempered.

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