Public Figure Profiles

Bart van der Leck

Bart van der Leck (26 November 1876, Utrecht – 13 November 1958, Blaricum) was a Dutch painter, designer, and ceramicist. With Theo van Doesburg and Piet Mondrian he founded the De Stijl art movement.

Son of a house painter, he started his career learning how to make stained glass in a shop in Utrecht. An example of his later stained glass work is in the Kröller-Müller Museum in Hoge Veluwe, Netherlands.

After having met Mondrian and van Doesburg and having founded the Stijl movement with them, his style became completely abstract, as did Mondrian's. But after disagreements with Mondrian his abstract style became based on representational images. His painting Triptych is an example, in which he transformed sketches of a mine in Spain into seemingly abstract shapes.

In 1919-1920 he created the interior design for St Hubertus Hunting Lodge, in the Hoge Veluwe estate. The hunting lodge was designed by Hendrik Petrus Berlage. In 1930, he was commissioned by Jo de Leeuw, owner of the prestigious Dutch department store Metz & Co. to design interiors, window packaging, branding and advertising. For these print materials van der Leck developed a rectilinear, geometrically constructed alphabet. In 1941, he designed a typeface based on this alphabet for the avant garde magazine Flax. Architype van der Leck, a digital revival of that face by David Quary and Freda Sack of The Foundry, was released in 1994.

Bart van der Leck claimed to be the father of the avant-garde movement. In his own words he said: "Mondrian came to my place one day with Doesburg, whom I had never seen before. When Doesburg noticed an abstract painting right on the easel, he exclaimed: 'If that is to be the painting of the future, may I be hanged right now!' Well, a few months later, he was painting in precisely that manner. That's the sort of person Doesburg was. No ideas of his own. And a cheat in bargain..."

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Some of their strengths

Bart van der Leck has many admirable traits.

Based on spiritual traditions from around the world, they are someone who can be described as Energetic, Brave, Selfless, Independent, Imaginative, Creative, and Generous.

Adventurous and Independent

According to Mysticism’s Astrology tradition, Bart van der Leck is someone who is an adventurous, independent, and energetic person, who is insightful, imaginative, generous, and honest. A person who seems to identify with family, heritage and ancestry.

Active and Precise

Based on Daoism’s Ba-Zi or ‘Chinese Zodiac’ tradition, people who know Bart van der Leck well know them as someone who can be tough, active, and sharp, like a sword.

Independent and Organized

According to Hinduism’s Jyotisha or ‘Vedic Astrology’ tradition, many would also describe Bart van der Leck as someone who is independent, organized, inventive, and generous.

A person who is curious and a loves learning, who seems to always know what to say, who has an optimism that can overcome any difficult situation, and who seems to be able to master almost any skill.

Communicative and Intelligent

Based on the Mayan Tzolk’in or ‘Mayan Astrology’ tradition, Bart van der Leck is someone who tends to have a desire to communicate with others, either verbally, through written form, or otherwise, and to have a knack for understanding art, beauty, and aesthetics.

They are also someone who is curious, dynamic, and positive, and who enjoys inspiring and communicating with other people.

Optimistic and Quick-witted

According to Judaism’s Kabbalah tradition, Bart van der Leck tends to be someone who is optimistic and spontaneous, and who has a clear and analytical mind. Who can be witty, with a happy-go-lucky- nature that makes others cheerful, and who possesses an adventurous zest for life.

Some of Bart van der Leck's challenges

While Bart van der Leck has many strengths, nobody is perfect. They also have some challenging traits they need to manage.

For example, Bart van der Leck can be Short-tempered, Impatient, Impulsive, Careless, Difficult, Perfectionist, and Domineering.

Impulsive and Careless

One of Bart van der Leck's key challenges is that they are someone who can be impulsive and careless.

Bart van der Leck must also exercise caution as they can have difficulty dealing with responsibility, authority, or criticism.

Domineering and Impatient

Bart van der Leck is someone who can be demanding, egotistical, and controlling, can have a lack of judgment regarding personal finances, be argumentative and stubborn, and who can have a tendency to be withdrawn and spend time in self-imposed isolation.

Irritable and Callous

Finally, Bart van der Leck also can be short-tempered, childish, insensitive, and careless at times.

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