Public Figure Profiles

Asif Ali Zardari

Asif Ali Zardari is a Pakistani politician who is the president of Pakistan Peoples Party Parliamentarians and was the co-chairperson of Pakistan People's Party. He served as the 11th president of Pakistan from 2008 to 2013, the first president born after Partition. He has been a member of the National Assembly of Pakistan since August 2018.

The son of Hakim Ali Zardari, a landowner from Sindh, Zardari rose to prominence after his marriage to Benazir Bhutto in 1987, who became the Prime Minister of Pakistan after her election in 1988. When Bhutto's government was dismissed by President Ghulam Ishaq Khan in 1990, Zardari was widely criticized for involvement in corruption scandals that led to its collapse. When Bhutto was reelected in 1993, Zardari served as Federal Investment Minister and Chairperson of Pakistan Environmental Protection Council. Following increasing tensions between Bhutto's brother Murtaza and Zardari, Murtaza was killed by police in Karachi on 20 September 1996. Bhutto's government was dismissed a month later by President Farooq Leghari, while Zardari was arrested and indicted for Murtaza's murder as well as corruption charges.Although incarcerated, he nominally served in Parliament after being elected to the National Assembly in 1990 and Senate in 1997. He was released from jail in 2004 and went into self-exile to Dubai, but returned when Bhutto was assassinated on 27 December 2007. As the new co-chairman of the PPP, he led his party to victory in the 2008 general elections. He spearheaded a coalition that forced military ruler Pervez Musharraf to resign, and was elected president on 6 September 2008. He was acquitted of various criminal charges the same year.As president, Zardari remained a strong American ally in the war in Afghanistan, despite prevalent public disapproval of the United States following the Raymond Davis incident and the NATO attack in Salala in 2011. Domestically, Zardari achieved the passage of the Eighteenth Amendment in 2010, which constitutionally reduced his presidential powers. His attempt to prevent the reinstatement of Supreme Court judges failed in the face of massive protests led by his political rival Nawaz Sharif. The restored Supreme Court dismissed the PPP's elected Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gillani for contempt in 2012 after Gillani refused to write to the Government of Switzerland to reopen corruption cases against Zardari. Zardari's tenure was also criticised for mishandling nationwide floods in 2010, and growing terrorist violence. Following multiple bombings of Hazaras in Quetta in early 2013, Zardari dismissed his provincial government in Balochistan.

Towards the end of his term, Zardari recorded abysmally low approval ratings, ranging from 11 to 14%. After the PPP was heavily defeated in the 2013 general election, Zardari became the country's first elected president to complete his constitutional term on 9 September 2013. His legacy remains divisive, with political observers accusing his administration of corruption and cronyism.

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Some of their strengths

Asif Ali Zardari has many admirable traits.

Based on spiritual traditions from around the world, they are someone who can be described as Extroverted, Intelligent, Confident, Energetic, Passionate, Imaginative, and Practical.

Bold and Confident

According to Mysticism’s Astrology tradition, Asif Ali Zardari is someone who is a bold, confident, energetic, and optimistic person, who is able to combine personal warmth and charisma with intelligence. A person who defines themself by their friends and what groups they belong to.

Constant and Serious

Based on Daoism’s Ba-Zi or ‘Chinese Zodiac’ tradition, people who know Asif Ali Zardari well know them as someone who can be determined, unmoving, and firm, like a rock or a high mountain.

Methodical and Exacting

According to Hinduism’s Jyotisha or ‘Vedic Astrology’ tradition, many would also describe Asif Ali Zardari as someone who is careful, methodical, and a perfectionist.

A person who forms successful business partnerships, who appreciates the variety the world has to offer, who takes a frugal approach to life and tends to be a workaholic, and who engages in things that let them express their opinion.

Altruistic and Ambitious

Based on the Mayan Tzolk’in or ‘Mayan Astrology’ tradition, Asif Ali Zardari is someone who is the type of person who rallies behind a group, cause, or community, and who enjoys being dedicated to a higher cause of some sort.

They are also someone who is curious, dynamic, and positive, and who enjoys inspiring and communicating with other people.

Creative and Leadership-oriented

According to Judaism’s Kabbalah tradition, Asif Ali Zardari tends to be someone who is a natural leader, with determination, motivational powers, and who takes obligations seriously. Who has charisma, a sense of humor, and who tends to attract attention.

Some of Asif Ali Zardari's challenges

While Asif Ali Zardari has many strengths, nobody is perfect. They also have some challenging traits they need to manage.

For example, Asif Ali Zardari can be Arrogant, Sensitive, Status-seeking, Hesitant, Narcissistic, Critical, and Non-confrontational.

Arrogant and Status-seeking

One of Asif Ali Zardari's key challenges is that they are someone who can come across as arrogant and status-seeking.

Asif Ali Zardari must also exercise caution as they can have a hard time reconciling wants and needs, and can be short-tempered and aggressive.

Sensitive and Critical

Asif Ali Zardari is someone who can be insecure, critical, and pessimistic, who can have difficulty relaxing, can be possessive and jealous, and who can have difficulty listening to others' opinions and perspectives and make hasty decisions.

Domineering and Stubborn

Finally, Asif Ali Zardari also can be too rebellious, not respond to criticism well, and be too emotional and extreme about things.