Name Meanings & Origins


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The name RAFAËLLE comes from RAPHAËLLE and is originally derived from RAPHAEL, and may have French, Hebrew, Biblical, or Germanic origins and have its roots in Judaism or Christianity.

From the Hebrew name רָפָאֵל (Rafa'el) meaning "God heals", from the roots רָפָא (rafa') meaning "to heal" and אֵל ('el) meaning "God". In Hebrew tradition Raphael is the name of an archangel. He appears in the Book of Tobit, in which he disguises himself as a man named Azarias and accompanies Tobias on his journey to Media, aiding him along the way. In the end he cures Tobias's father Tobit of his blindness. He is not mentioned in the New Testament, though tradition identifies him with the angel troubling the water in John 5:4.

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