Public Figure Profiles

Walerian Kalinka

Valerian Kalinka (or Walerian Kalinka) (1826–1886) was a Polish priest and historian.

Kalinka was born near Cracow, but fled from Poland in 1846 on account of political entanglements and his involvement in the Krakow Uprising. Kalinka was the founder of the Polish branch of the Resurrectionist Order. He worked on the "Czas" newspaper in 1848, but finally took refuge in Paris, where his first work was written -- Galicia und Cracoio, an historical and social picture of the country from 1772 to 1850. He afterwards thought of writing a history of Polish emigration, but eventually chose to edit a weekly periodical entitled "Political Polish News", the principal contributors to which were himself and Julian Klaczko. Though forbidden everywhere but in Posen, it existed for four years, and dealt with every aspect of Polish national life. Kalinka's articles show an acquaintance with law, administration, history, and statistics, and had mostly to do with the inner life of Poland. He became an activist in the Hôtel Lambert group.

After 1863, when searching for documents for a life of Prince Adam Czartoryski, he stumbled on important papers which he published in two volumes as The Last Years of Stanislaus Augustus (1787–95). This work placed him at once in the first rank of Polish writers. Poland had not yet had such an historian, especially in the province of diplomacy and foreign politics. Józef Szujski, though unknown to Kalinka, was at the same time working in the same direction. Both were accused of undermining patriotic self-respect, of lowering Poland in foreign eyes, and of destroying veneration for the past. In the preface to this work, Kalinka had already answered these charges. A Pole, he said, is not less a Pole when he learns from past errors how to serve his country better.

About this time Kalinka entered the novitiate of the Resurrection Fathers in Rome, where, save for a few visits to Galicia, he subsequently resided until in 1877, after a visit to the Catholic missions in Bulgaria, he became chaplain of a convent in Jarosław. Here in 1880 appeared the first volume of his Sejmczteroletni (The Four Years Diet). To the criticism it received, Kalinka replied: "History calls first for truth; nor can truth harm patriotism." The second volume, appeared in 1886, the end of the thirty years he spent writing. He died in Jarosław.

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Some of their strengths

Walerian Kalinka has many admirable traits.

Based on spiritual traditions from around the world, they are someone who can be described as Practical, Imaginative, Honest, Kind, Brave, Intuitive, and Truthful.

Adventurous and Independent

According to Mysticism’s Astrology tradition, Walerian Kalinka is someone who is an adventurous, independent, and energetic person, who is insightful, imaginative, generous, and honest. A person who sees life as a journey not a destination.

Passionate and Intense

Based on Daoism’s Ba-Zi or ‘Chinese Zodiac’ tradition, people who know Walerian Kalinka well know them as someone who can be passionate, proud, and intense, like the sun or a blazing fire.

Truthful and Kind

According to Hinduism’s Jyotisha or ‘Vedic Astrology’ tradition, many would also describe Walerian Kalinka as someone who is honest, compassionate, imaginative, and instinctual.

A person who enjoys new challlenges, is a magnet for attracting other creative types, good at identifying opportunities, and who is good at forming loyal, lifelong friendships.

Wise and Deep

Based on the Mayan Tzolk’in or ‘Mayan Astrology’ tradition, Walerian Kalinka is someone who tends to have an internal innate wisdom, and who people tend to see as an "old soul".

They are also someone who is calm, comforting, and stable, and who loves stability and being a good friend and loyal partner.

Optimistic and Quick-witted

According to Judaism’s Kabbalah tradition, Walerian Kalinka tends to be someone who is optimistic and spontaneous, and who has a clear and analytical mind. Who can be witty, with a happy-go-lucky- nature that makes others cheerful, and who possesses an adventurous zest for life.

Some of Walerian Kalinka's challenges

While Walerian Kalinka has many strengths, nobody is perfect. They also have some challenging traits they need to manage.

For example, Walerian Kalinka can be Stubborn, Impulsive, Careless, Difficult, Perfectionist, Short-tempered, and Unrealistic.

Impulsive and Careless

One of Walerian Kalinka's key challenges is that they are someone who can be impulsive and careless.

Walerian Kalinka must also exercise caution as they can have a hard time reconciling wants and needs.

Unrealistic and Indecisive

Walerian Kalinka is someone who can be unrealistic, indecisive, and lacking in confidence, who can be impulsive when it comes to making important decisions, have difficulty collaborating with others, can be argumentative and not willling to accept criticism, and who can be disappointed by the high expectations they place on others.

Irritable and Callous

Finally, Walerian Kalinka also can be short-tempered, childish, insensitive, and careless at times.

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