Public Figure Profiles

Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou (April 4, 1928 – May 28, 2014) was an American poet, memoirist, and civil rights activist. She published seven autobiographies, three books of essays, several books of poetry, and is credited with a list of plays, movies, and television shows spanning over 50 years. She received dozens of awards and more than 50 honorary degrees. Angelou is best known for her series of seven autobiographies, which focus on her childhood and early adult experiences. The first, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (1969), tells of her life up to the age of 17 and brought her international recognition and acclaim.

She became a poet and writer after a string of odd jobs during her young adulthood. These included fry cook, sex worker, nightclub performer, Porgy and Bess cast member, Southern Christian Leadership Conference coordinator, and correspondent in Egypt and Ghana during the decolonization of Africa. She was also an actress, writer, director, and producer of plays, movies, and public television programs. In 1982, she was named the first Reynolds Professor of American Studies at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. She was active in the Civil Rights Movement and worked with Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. Beginning in the 1990s, she made approximately 80 appearances a year on the lecture circuit, something she continued into her eighties. In 1993, Angelou recited her poem "On the Pulse of Morning" (1993) at the first inauguration of Bill Clinton, making her the first poet to make an inaugural recitation since Robert Frost at the inauguration of John F. Kennedy in 1961.

With the publication of I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Angelou publicly discussed aspects of her personal life. She was respected as a spokesperson for Black people and women, and her works have been considered a defense of Black culture. Her works are widely used in schools and universities worldwide, although attempts have been made to ban her books from some U.S. libraries. Angelou's most celebrated works have been labeled as autobiographical fiction, but many critics consider them to be autobiographies. She made a deliberate attempt to challenge the common structure of the autobiography by critiquing, changing and expanding the genre. Her books center on themes including racism, identity, family and travel.

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Some of their strengths

Maya Angelou has many admirable traits.

Based on spiritual traditions from around the world, they are someone who can be described as Confident, Energetic, Generous, Intelligent, Selfless, Independent, and Brave.

Independent and Brave

According to Mysticism’s Astrology tradition, Maya Angelou is someone who is an independent, brave, and honest person who approaches life with energy, intuition, passion, and generosity. A person who sees life as a journey not a destination.

Strong and Resilient

Based on Daoism’s Ba-Zi or ‘Chinese Zodiac’ tradition, people who know Maya Angelou well know them as someone who can be strong, expansive, and stable like a big tree.

Independent and Organized

According to Hinduism’s Jyotisha or ‘Vedic Astrology’ tradition, many would also describe Maya Angelou as someone who is independent, organized, inventive, and generous.

A person who is curious and a loves learning, who seems to always know what to say, who has an optimism that can overcome any difficult situation, and who seems to be able to master almost any skill.

Realistic and Skillful

Based on the Mayan Tzolk’in or ‘Mayan Astrology’ tradition, Maya Angelou is someone who is able to separate emotions from reality, see the world in terms of right or wrong, and who is very good at getting things done.

They are also someone who is mysterious, intuitive, and diplomatic, and who has a keen intuition, charisma, and a focus on balance and partnership.

Independent and Dynamic

According to Judaism’s Kabbalah tradition, Maya Angelou tends to be someone who is independent, dynamic, and courageous. Who can be positive, energetic, self-reliant, and adventurous, and who can make friends easily.

Some of Maya Angelou's challenges

While Maya Angelou has many strengths, nobody is perfect. They also have some challenging traits they need to manage.

For example, Maya Angelou can be Short-tempered, Impatient, Stubborn, Impulsive, Hesitant, Narcissistic, and Arrogant.

Short-tempered and Impulsive

One of Maya Angelou's key challenges is that they are someone who can come across as short-tempered and impulsive.

Maya Angelou must also exercise caution as they can have a hard time reconciling wants and needs.

Domineering and Impatient

Maya Angelou is someone who can be demanding, egotistical, and controlling, can have a lack of judgment regarding personal finances, be argumentative and stubborn, and who can have a tendency to be withdrawn and spend time in self-imposed isolation.

Aggressive and Domineering

Finally, Maya Angelou also can be aggressive, impatient, impulsive, and short-tempered.

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