Public Figure Profiles

King of Scotland James II

James II and VII (14 October 1633O.S. – 16 September 1701) was King of England and King of Ireland as James II, and King of Scotland as James VII from the death of his elder brother, Charles II, on 6 February 1685. He was deposed in the Glorious Revolution of 1688. He was the last Catholic monarch of England, Scotland, and Ireland. His reign is now remembered primarily for struggles over religious tolerance, but it also involved struggles over the principles of absolutism and the divine right of kings. His deposition ended a century of political and civil strife in England by confirming the primacy of the English Parliament over the Crown.James inherited the thrones of England, Ireland, and Scotland from his brother with widespread support in all three countries, largely because the principles of eligibility based on divine right and birth were widely accepted. Tolerance of his personal Catholicism did not extend to tolerance of Catholicism in general, and the English and Scottish Parliaments refused to pass his measures. When James attempted to impose them by decree, this was met with opposition; some academics have however argued that it was a political principle, rather than a religious one, that ultimately led to his removal.In June 1688, two events turned dissent into a crisis; the first, on 10 June, was the birth of James's son and heir James Francis Edward, which raised the prospect of initiating a Roman Catholic dynasty and excluding his Anglican daughter Mary and her Protestant husband William III of Orange. The second was the prosecution of the Seven Bishops for seditious libel; this was viewed as an assault on the Church of England and their acquittal on 30 June destroyed his political authority in England. The anti-Catholic riots in England and Scotland that ensued led to a general feeling that only his removal from the throne could prevent a civil war.Leading members of the English political class invited William of Orange to assume the English throne; after he landed in Brixham on 5 November 1688, James's army deserted, and he went into exile in France on 23 December. In February 1689, a special Convention Parliament held that the king had "vacated" the English throne and installed William and Mary as joint monarchs, thereby establishing the principle that sovereignty derived from Parliament, not birth. James landed in Ireland on 14 March 1689 in an attempt to recover his kingdoms but, despite a simultaneous rising in Scotland, in April a Scottish Convention followed that of England, both finding that James had "forfeited" the throne and offered it to William and Mary. After his defeat at the Battle of the Boyne in July 1690, James returned to France, where he spent the rest of his life in exile at Saint-Germain, protected by Louis XIV. His opponents often portrayed him as an absolutist tyrant. By contrast, beginning in the 20th century, some historians praised him for advocating religious tolerance. More recent scholarship has tended to take a middle ground between these views.

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Some of their strengths

King of Scotland James II has many admirable traits.

Based on spiritual traditions from around the world, they are someone who can be described as Intelligent, Imaginative, Diplomatic, Intuitive, Confident, Energetic, and Extroverted.

Intelligent and Inquisitive

According to Mysticism’s Astrology tradition, King of Scotland James II is someone who is an intelligent, inquisitive, and imaginative person, who is practical, considerate, kind, and diplomatic in dealings with others. A person who is known for being a good communicator.

Warm and Caring

Based on Daoism’s Ba-Zi or ‘Chinese Zodiac’ tradition, people who know King of Scotland James II well know them as someone who can be warm, caring, and compassionate, like a lamp or torch.

Imaginative and Sentimental

According to Hinduism’s Jyotisha or ‘Vedic Astrology’ tradition, many would also describe King of Scotland James II as someone who is imaginative, sentimental, and in touch with emotions.

A person who has extremely good memory and analytical skills, likes to make sure that everyone gets along, enjoys all kinds of situations and people, has a talent for travel and languages, and who makes lifelong friends.

Charismatic and Instinctual

Based on the Mayan Tzolk’in or ‘Mayan Astrology’ tradition, King of Scotland James II is someone who handles stress better than most people, and who tends to have a powerful charisma and convictions.

They are also someone who is intuitive, imaginative, and an agent of change, and who is always dreaming of life's great possibilities and partnering with people to try to achieve those possibilities.

Justice-seeking and Peaceful

According to Judaism’s Kabbalah tradition, King of Scotland James II tends to be someone who loves peace and is ready to go to any costs to achieve it. Who has a taste for the good things in life, tends to be a good organizer, has a thirst for knowledge, and who tends to have the respect of friends and acquaintances.

Some of King of Scotland James II's challenges

While King of Scotland James II has many strengths, nobody is perfect. They also have some challenging traits they need to manage.

For example, King of Scotland James II can be Unrealistic, Hesitant, Narcissistic, Indecisive, Arrogant, Status-seeking, and Irritable.

Hesitant and Narcissistic

One of King of Scotland James II's key challenges is that they are someone who can be hesitant and narcissistic.

Irritable and Moody

King of Scotland James II is someone who can be irritable and moody, have a tendency to experience self-doubt, be too secretive, can take too many risks, and who can have an extreme approach to managing personal finances.

Pleasure-seeking and Indecisive

Finally, King of Scotland James II also can put others first too much, and hem-and-haw too much when making a decision.

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