Public Figure Profiles

Jean-Yves Le Gall

Jean-Yves Le Gall is an engineering graduate from the École supérieure d'optique (1981) and holds a doctorate in engineering from the University of Paris-Sud (1983). He began his career in 1981 as a researcher at the Astronomy Laboratory, French National Scientific Research Center, where he worked on the European scientific satellites project Hipparcos and ISO. In 1985 he joined the Department of Industry and was assigned to the Space Office where he was particularly in charge of relations with the space industry.The Minister for the Postal Service, Telecommunications and Space appointed Le Gall as advisor for space affairs in 1985. In this position, he participated in the definition of CNES and ESA programs. In 1993, he joined Novespace, a subsidiary of CNES, of which he was Managing Director. Le Gall was appointed as CNES Deputy Managing Director in 1996. In this function, he was the French Representative to the ESA. In 1998, he was appointed as Chairman and CEO of Starsem.In 2001, he joined Arianespace as COO. Since 2002 till April 2013 he worked as an Arianespace CEO, was succeeded by Stéphane Israël. Since 2013 Jean-Yves Le Gall is a president of CNES.

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Some of their strengths

Jean-Yves Le Gall has many admirable traits.

Based on spiritual traditions from around the world, they are someone who can be described as Strong, Perseverent, Artistic, Optimistic, Achievement-oriented, Confident, and Charismatic.

Strong and Diligent

According to Mysticism’s Astrology tradition, Jean-Yves Le Gall is someone who is a strong, diligent, and trustworthy person who approaches life with honesty and perseverance, but who is also physical, sensual, and artistic. A person who seems to identify with family, heritage and ancestry.

Adventurous and Free

Based on Daoism’s Ba-Zi or ‘Chinese Zodiac’ tradition, people who know Jean-Yves Le Gall well know them as someone who can be talented, wayward and free, like a big river or the ocean.

Organized and Achievement-oriented

According to Hinduism’s Jyotisha or ‘Vedic Astrology’ tradition, many would also describe Jean-Yves Le Gall as someone who is organized, goal-oriented, practical, and persevering.

Who is hardworking, intellectual, and easygoing, who loves higher education and learning and sharing ideas with others, and who loves healthy competition.

Emotionally Intelligent and Intuitive

Based on the Mayan Tzolk’in or ‘Mayan Astrology’ tradition, Jean-Yves Le Gall is someone who tends to have strong emotional intelligence and intuition, and who can be a catalyst of change for others.

They are also someone who is confident and creative, and who has a love for starting new projects, inventing new things, and giving back to the community.

Patient and Compassionate

According to Judaism’s Kabbalah tradition, Jean-Yves Le Gall tends to be someone who approaches life with grace and compassion, and who has a powerful and commanding personality. Who can be analytical, patient, and deliberate, avoiding risks and seeking out stability instead.

Some of Jean-Yves Le Gall's challenges

While Jean-Yves Le Gall has many strengths, nobody is perfect. They also have some challenging traits they need to manage.

For example, Jean-Yves Le Gall can be Stubborn, Idle, Rebellious, Emotionally Distant, Callous, Selfish, and Temperamental.

Stubborn and Idle

One of Jean-Yves Le Gall's key challenges is that they are someone who can be seen as stubborn and, at times, lazy.

Jean-Yves Le Gall must also exercise caution as they can have a hard time reconciling wants and needs.

Callous and Selfish

Jean-Yves Le Gall is someone who can be standoffish, pessimistic, and ruthless, who can have difficulty concentrating and be impatient, can have difficulty discovering the keys to personal contentment, and who can have a tendency to overwork and hoard wealth and possessions.

Materialistic and Aggressive

Finally, Jean-Yves Le Gall also can be materialistic, emotional, aggressive, stubborn, inconsistent, and be prone to big temper outbursts.

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