Public Figure Profiles

Jacques Le Magnen

Sensory specific satiety is a sensory hedonic phenomenon that refers to the declining satisfaction generated by the consumption of a certain type of food, and the consequent renewal in appetite resulting from the exposure to a new flavour or food. The phenomenon was first described in 1956 by the French physiologist Jacques Le Magnen. The term "sensory specific satiety" was coined in 1981 by Barbara J. Rolls and Edmund T. Rolls. The concept illustrates the role of physical stimuli in generating appetite and, more specifically, explains the significance of taste, or food flavour in relation to hunger. Besides conditioned satiety and alimentary alliesthesia, it is one of the three major phenomena of satiation. An Ingestive Classics paper on the topic has been written in conversation with Barbara J. Rolls (see

Sensory specific satiety is most commonly illustrated in the laboratory setting by offering participants a first course ad libitum then after a short interval offering a second course or access to a standard buffet. After the eating a first course consisting of one food consumers are less likely to select that food again if offered the same food in a second course, or to select this food again from an array presented in a buffet. The more variety offered, the more people will eat. Thus, a larger amount of food will be eaten at a buffet because the variety of foods and flavors presented renews the desire to eat (appetite) in the individual. A study conducted by Rolls and van Duijvenvoorde in 1984 verified this process by simulating a buffet-style meal. They fed participants four courses of the same food or four courses of different foods which included sausages, bread and butter, chocolate dessert, and bananas. The results revealed a 44% increase in overall food consumption when exposed to the meals with a variety of foods.Postingestive feedback factors such as energy density and nutrient composition could affect the palatability of a food which in turn would inhibit or facilitate sensory specific satiety. Studies done by Birch & Deysher (1986) and B.J. Rolls et al., summarized in a paper by Raynor and Epstein, show that postingesitive feedback does not influence sensory specific satiety. Since postingestive feedback seems to have little effect on the expression of sensory specific satiety, it is probable that sensory specific satiety is more driven by external factors, such as the sensory properties of the food, than internal factors.

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Some of their strengths

Jacques Le Magnen has many admirable traits.

Based on spiritual traditions from around the world, they are someone who can be described as Confident, Altruistic, Bold, Energetic, Passionate, Intelligent, and Achievement-oriented.

Bold and Confident

According to Mysticism’s Astrology tradition, Jacques Le Magnen is someone who is a bold, confident, energetic, and optimistic person, who is able to combine personal warmth and charisma with intelligence. A person who is known for being a good partner.

Constant and Serious

Based on Daoism’s Ba-Zi or ‘Chinese Zodiac’ tradition, people who know Jacques Le Magnen well know them as someone who can be determined, unmoving, and firm, like a rock or a high mountain.

Organized and Achievement-oriented

According to Hinduism’s Jyotisha or ‘Vedic Astrology’ tradition, many would also describe Jacques Le Magnen as someone who is organized, goal-oriented, practical, and persevering.

Who is hardworking, intellectual, and easygoing, who loves higher education and learning and sharing ideas with others, and who loves healthy competition.

Altruistic and Ambitious

Based on the Mayan Tzolk’in or ‘Mayan Astrology’ tradition, Jacques Le Magnen is someone who is the type of person who rallies behind a group, cause, or community, and who enjoys being dedicated to a higher cause of some sort.

They are also someone who is altruistic, tolerant, and sophisticated, and who tends to be a perfectionist who is always working to try and make everything and everyone better.

Creative and Leadership-oriented

According to Judaism’s Kabbalah tradition, Jacques Le Magnen tends to be someone who is a natural leader, with determination, motivational powers, and who takes obligations seriously. Who has charisma, a sense of humor, and who tends to attract attention.

Some of Jacques Le Magnen's challenges

While Jacques Le Magnen has many strengths, nobody is perfect. They also have some challenging traits they need to manage.

For example, Jacques Le Magnen can be Rebellious, Arrogant, Status-seeking, Emotionally Distant, Callous, Selfish, and Demanding.

Arrogant and Status-seeking

One of Jacques Le Magnen's key challenges is that they are someone who can come across as arrogant and status-seeking.

Jacques Le Magnen must also exercise caution as they can be excessive and unrealistic.

Callous and Selfish

Jacques Le Magnen is someone who can be standoffish, pessimistic, and ruthless, who can have difficulty concentrating and be impatient, can have difficulty discovering the keys to personal contentment, and who can have a tendency to overwork and hoard wealth and possessions.

Domineering and Stubborn

Finally, Jacques Le Magnen also can be too rebellious, not respond to criticism well, and be too emotional and extreme about things.

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