Public Figure Profiles

Jack La Lanne

Francois Henri "Jack" LaLanne (September 26, 1914 – January 23, 2011) was an American fitness and nutrition guru and motivational speaker. He described himself as being a "sugarholic" and a "junk food junkie" until he was age 15. He also had behavioral problems, but "turned his life around" after listening to a public lecture about the benefits of good nutrition by health food pioneer Paul Bragg. During his career, he came to believe that the country's overall health depended on the health of its population, and referred to physical culture and nutrition as "the salvation of America."Decades before health and fitness began being promoted by celebrities like Jane Fonda and Richard Simmons, LaLanne was already widely recognized for publicly preaching the health benefits of regular exercise and a good diet. He published numerous books on fitness and hosted the fitness television program The Jack LaLanne Show from 1951 to 1985. As early as 1936, at age 21, he opened one of the nation's first fitness gyms in Oakland, California, which became a prototype for dozens of similar gyms bearing his name. One of his 1950s television exercise programs was aimed toward women, whom he also encouraged to join his health clubs. He invented a number of exercise machines, including the pulley and leg extension devices and the Smith machine. Besides producing his own series of videos, he coached the elderly and disabled not to forgo exercise, believing it would enable them to enhance their strength.LaLanne also gained recognition for his success as a bodybuilder, as well as for his prodigious feats of strength. Arnold Schwarzenegger once exclaimed "That Jack LaLanne's an animal!" after a 54-year-old LaLanne beat then 21-year-old Schwarzenegger in an informal contest. On the occasion of LaLanne's death, Schwarzenegger credited LaLanne for being "an apostle for fitness" by inspiring "billions all over the world to live healthier lives," and, as governor of California, had earlier placed him on his Governor's Council on Physical Fitness. Steve Reeves credited LaLanne as his inspiration to build his muscular physique while keeping a slim waist.

LaLanne was inducted into the California Hall of Fame and has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

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Some of their strengths

Jack La Lanne has many admirable traits.

Based on spiritual traditions from around the world, they are someone who can be described as Energetic, Intelligent, Inquisitive, Practical, Diplomatic, Generous, and Creative.

Intelligent and Inquisitive

According to Mysticism’s Astrology tradition, Jack La Lanne is someone who is an intelligent, inquisitive, and imaginative person, who is practical, considerate, kind, and diplomatic in dealings with others. A person who defines themself by their friends and what groups they belong to.

Adaptable and Versatile

Based on Daoism’s Ba-Zi or ‘Chinese Zodiac’ tradition, people who know Jack La Lanne well know them as someone who can be adaptable, flexible, and polite, like a flower or a sapling.

Ambitious and Forceful

According to Hinduism’s Jyotisha or ‘Vedic Astrology’ tradition, many would also describe Jack La Lanne as someone who is ambitious, hard-working, determined, and intelligent.

A person who has a knack for identifying opportunities, has amazing concentration and focus, who can work independently, who likes starting new things, and who is somewhat of an intellectual.

Vigorous and Friendly

Based on the Mayan Tzolk’in or ‘Mayan Astrology’ tradition, Jack La Lanne is someone who has a vigor and energy that applies itself to all life's activities and endeavors, and a knack for forming family-like structures, groups, and communities.

They are also someone who is active, giving, optimistic, and cheerful, and who possesses a charisma that attracts friends and admirers.

Justice-seeking and Peaceful

According to Judaism’s Kabbalah tradition, Jack La Lanne tends to be someone who loves peace and is ready to go to any costs to achieve it. Who has a taste for the good things in life, tends to be a good organizer, has a thirst for knowledge, and who tends to have the respect of friends and acquaintances.

Some of Jack La Lanne's challenges

While Jack La Lanne has many strengths, nobody is perfect. They also have some challenging traits they need to manage.

For example, Jack La Lanne can be Impulsive, Stubborn, Hesitant, Narcissistic, Suspicious, Careless, and Relentless.

Hesitant and Narcissistic

One of Jack La Lanne's key challenges is that they are someone who can be hesitant and narcissistic.

Jack La Lanne must also exercise caution as they can have a hard time reconciling wants and needs, and can have difficulty dealing with responsibility, authority, or criticism.

Relentless and Inflexible

Jack La Lanne is someone who can be relentless, obsessive, and inflexible, who can be confrontational with work colleagues, can have difficulty communicating feelings and be somewhat reclusive, and who can be self-destructive, overindulgent, and extravagant.

Pleasure-seeking and Indecisive

Finally, Jack La Lanne also can put others first too much, and hem-and-haw too much when making a decision.

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