Public Figure Profiles

Hans Schmidt-Isserstedt

Hans Schmidt-Isserstedt (5 May 1900 – 28 May 1973) was a German conductor and composer. After studying at several music academies, he worked in German opera houses between 1923 and 1945, first as a répétiteur and then in increasingly senior conducting posts, ending as Generalmusikdirektor of the Deutsche Oper Berlin.

After the Second World War, Schmidt-Isserstedt was invited by the occupying British forces to form the Northwest German Radio Symphony Orchestra, of which he was musical director and chief conductor from 1945 to 1971. He was a frequent guest conductor for leading symphony orchestras around the world, and returned to opera from time to time, including appearances at Glyndebourne and Covent Garden as well as the Hamburg State Opera.

Schmidt-Isserstedt was known for his transparent orchestral textures, strict rhythmic precision, and rejection of superfluous gestures and mannerisms on the rostrum. His extensive recorded legacy features the Austro-German classics with which he was widely associated, but also includes works by Czech, English, French, Italian and Russian composers.

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Some of their strengths

Hans Schmidt-Isserstedt has many admirable traits.

Based on spiritual traditions from around the world, they are someone who can be described as Energetic, Bold, Intelligent, Extroverted, Passionate, Adventurous, and Imaginative.

Strong and Diligent

According to Mysticism’s Astrology tradition, Hans Schmidt-Isserstedt is someone who is a strong, diligent, and trustworthy person who approaches life with honesty and perseverance, but who is also physical, sensual, and artistic. A person who is known for being diligent and strong.

Active and Precise

Based on Daoism’s Ba-Zi or ‘Chinese Zodiac’ tradition, people who know Hans Schmidt-Isserstedt well know them as someone who can be tough, active, and sharp, like a sword.

Ambitious and Forceful

According to Hinduism’s Jyotisha or ‘Vedic Astrology’ tradition, many would also describe Hans Schmidt-Isserstedt as someone who is ambitious, hard-working, determined, and intelligent.

A person who has a knack for identifying opportunities, has amazing concentration and focus, who can work independently, who likes starting new things, and who is somewhat of an intellectual.

Communicative and Intelligent

Based on the Mayan Tzolk’in or ‘Mayan Astrology’ tradition, Hans Schmidt-Isserstedt is someone who tends to have a desire to communicate with others, either verbally, through written form, or otherwise, and to have a knack for understanding art, beauty, and aesthetics.

They are also someone who is intuitive, imaginative, and an agent of change, and who is always dreaming of life's great possibilities and partnering with people to try to achieve those possibilities.

Patient and Compassionate

According to Judaism’s Kabbalah tradition, Hans Schmidt-Isserstedt tends to be someone who approaches life with grace and compassion, and who has a powerful and commanding personality. Who can be analytical, patient, and deliberate, avoiding risks and seeking out stability instead.

Some of Hans Schmidt-Isserstedt's challenges

While Hans Schmidt-Isserstedt has many strengths, nobody is perfect. They also have some challenging traits they need to manage.

For example, Hans Schmidt-Isserstedt can be Status-seeking, Stubborn, Idle, Arrogant, Impulsive, Careless, and Relentless.

Stubborn and Idle

One of Hans Schmidt-Isserstedt's key challenges is that they are someone who can be seen as stubborn and, at times, lazy.

Hans Schmidt-Isserstedt must also exercise caution as they can have a hard time reconciling wants and needs.

Relentless and Inflexible

Hans Schmidt-Isserstedt is someone who can be relentless, obsessive, and inflexible, who can be confrontational with work colleagues, can have difficulty communicating feelings and be somewhat reclusive, and who can be self-destructive, overindulgent, and extravagant.

Materialistic and Aggressive

Finally, Hans Schmidt-Isserstedt also can be materialistic, emotional, aggressive, stubborn, inconsistent, and be prone to big temper outbursts.

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