Make a difference.
And more income.

By becoming a Guide on Sol, you can share your wisdom with more spiritual seekers while also earning more income.

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Grow your following

Sol is the world’s fastest growing community of spiritual seekers who are interested in all types of spiritual traditions, topics, and practices. Sol helps you attract more people who are looking for the unique wisdom you have to offer.

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Tools to build your community

Sol’s communication tools enable you to have in-depth conversations with your community members to keep them engaged, as well as tools to update them on important events and happenings so that they don’t miss a thing.

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Earn more income

We know that you share your wisdom out of the goodness of your heart. But we also know how important it is to make a good income. In the near future, Sol will be releasing features that make it easier for you to grow your income from your classes and content.

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Promote Sol to earn more

As a Sol Guide you are given a unique link to share, and when someone joins Sol from your unique link you earn more income. So when you boost Sol, you boost your income!

Guides love working with Sol


Dr. Lisa Jane Miller

Founder, Columbia University’s Spirituality Mind Body Institute

“Deep in my heart, I know that Sol is what the world needs right now...Sol is the platform through which we know we are one people on earth.”


Prof. Robert Thurman

Co-founder and President, Tibet House

“Sol, this wonderful app, is celebrating all of the skills of how to develop the mind and spirit and’s showing all the things that you could use to learn from all of the traditions.”


Dr. Andrew Newberg


“I think one of the great things about Sol is the ability for every individual to be able to explore their own spirituality on their own path. And what I also think is wonderful about Sol be able to create a community and bring everyone together.”


Chaplain Sharon Kugler

Former University Chaplain, Yale

“Who knows what we are going to learn about each other as we start to explore through Sol. And that in and of itself is going to be life affirming and I think it’s going to breed hope!”

Become a Sol Guide Today!

Turbo charge your community and income on the world’s fastest-growing community of spiritual seekers.

Explore. Connect. Glow.

Sol brings you science-backed spiritual practices, wisdom and community, no matter what your beliefs or experience. Download now, and get glowing.
